Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Your attitude meter

I love it when my husband tells us something new.

Sometimes I sit listening, not entirely sure whether he is making something up, or maybe got it a little bit wrong.

That's not entirely unfounded, but he often gives us a little gem, that really strikes a chord.

Last night, in family worship, he shared with us about the instruments on an aeroplane.

I knew about the altimeter...that tells them how high the plane is, in it's altitude.

But, did you know a plane has an ATTITUDE meter?!!

Is it to check and see if the plane is a tad grumpy?...or having a happy day?

It sounds a bit strange, when you think about how WE consider attitude.

But, not when you start to think about it.

The instrument it to tell if the plane is keeping it's nose on a horizontal plane, or if it is rising up, or heading down.

Robert asked the children why they thought the plane needed such a thing. And, Josh correctly identified that if the nose was heading down, they would end up crashing.


Does THAT ring true?

If we don't have our attitude right, we crash.

And, I am not talking about the children here.  Well.  Not exclusively.

I'm talking about ME!  About YOU!

Are we keeping our attitude on an even keel?  Are we taking a nose-dive into a crash situation, because our attitude is wrong?







I'm sure there are more that I have missed, but you get the picture?

When our attitude starts to head in a downward direction, we need to keep our eye on OUR attitude meter.

What else, of course, other than God's Word.

"for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content."
Philippians 4:11

"Do all things without murmurings and disputings: "
Philippians 2:14

"But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing."
James 1:4

"Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice."
Philippians 4:4

For every wrong attitude, there is a scripture that keeps our attitude on an even keel, and sets our sights heavenward..


Away from the crashing and burning that is bound to happen with a downward attitude.

May my sights be set upon the Lord - lifted high above circumstances, and set toward the One who can raise me to the heights of His glory and grace.

And, may I encourage my children to have THEIR attitude being a good example of how to live.

1 comment :

  1. Great, great post. Thanks.I already crashed today but will start new :-)
