Friday 15 July 2011

drawing deep and singing strong

How easily we go along life's journey, knowing that we are saved - knowing that we have a future with the Lord, in glory - but


to give thanks to the One who saved us


the pit from which we were digged 


that we have our strength 


because     of        our     salvation.

This morning I was reminded.

 "Behold, God is my salvation

I will trust, and not be afraid:

 for the LORD JEHOVAH is my strength and my song

he also is become my salvation

 Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation

 And in that day shall ye say, 

Praise the LORD, 

call upon his name, 

declare his doings among the people, 

make mention that his name is exalted. 

 Sing unto the LORD;

 for he hath done excellent things:

this is known in all the earth."  Isaiah 12:2-5

What is my duty today?

I am to REMEMBER...

that He has lovingly, 
and wonderfully


that I have no need to fear
 because I am trusting in God and His salvation


that ALL the strength I need for this day,
 is found in Him alone


to sing, and praise His name
 for His goodness and His salvation

I have wells of salvation as my source.  Wells that are so deep that they are unfathomable and can fill me and refresh me and give me that strength needed for all that comes my way...EVERY day.

I need only dip in and draw that water - the source is there  - I need to simply take it.  

And, then, what must I do?.....

shout it from the rooftops - express my satisfaction.

Praising God, first and foremost, calling upon Him in a prayer of thanksgiving to His name.

Declare it to others - do those around me know how good God is to me?  Do I exalt His name?

SING IT! praise Him in song - make the song of the birds seem empty, without the words of thanks that we can bring.  (can I hear you singing yet?.......)

Lord, how great Thou art....

Praise the Lord with me today, for His great salvation.  

draw deep and sing strong

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